SportsDisplays COVID-19 June 23 Update (Plus Coupon)

SportsDisplays COVID-19 June 23 Update (Plus Coupon)

We want to provide a short update since we last corresponded in April. SportsDisplays remains open and in fact, we have never seen a busier March, April, May or June! We appreciate the support from our many loyal customers, as well as new customers that have recently found us.

We have made the decision to extend the coupon code (COVID19) that was created when this crisis started to receive $19 off each jersey framing.

Please do your part to stay healthy and take care of your family and neighbors. We will again ask you to also go out of your way to support your local small businesses during these difficult times.

If you have any questions or concerns about SportsDisplays and COVID-19, please contact us directly via email (, phone (520-477-1091) or social media direct messaging (@sportsdisplays).

From our family to yours, we hope that you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy during these trying times.

Warm Regards,

The SportsDisplays Team